Supporting Community Dreams

Educating Mindsets

Focusing on Performance Emotional intelligence and growth connection is a mindset team! Thereby, performance is very vital to a healthy mindset. Notice that every song that focuses on feeling good it generates endorphins in the physiology of the body. Note as we study our own body by means of how we’re feeling as a self-mindset […]

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Supporting Community Dreams

Defining a Mindset

After communicating with a few people about various mindsets and really delving into where do people speak from intuitively, I thought it would be ideal to share the following link to an article. This article provides a list of definitions in regards to various perspectives of the concept: mindsets. What is a mindset?

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Supporting Community Dreams

Educating Mindsets

Indeed we shall delve into various mindsets to learn to communicate more in-depth with one another. Let’s begin with what has been defined thus far on Google about the mindsets of success: the mindsets are emotional intelligence, growth, connection and and performance. In the interim please share the post and your comments.

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Humanity LOCAL SPEAK ON THE AIR, IN THE AIR OPINIONS, COMMENTS, QUESTIONS POLITICS, TECHNOLOGY & THE HUMANITIES SDG 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being SDG 4: Quality Education Supporting Community Dreams

Back to School

Let’s begin to engage in motivational dialogue about empowering youth. “It is imperative to become aware and disseminate analytical prompts that will propel a need to exercise the mind while the brain supports the process of deciphering the dynamics of multiple intelligences. In addition, it’s critical that we continue to inspire the young intellectual, content, […]

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DAPP 911

Southern California Braces for Hurricane Hilary

Southern California is familiar with preparing for natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and fires, however hurricanes has not been on the list for decades. The region is expected to receive the amount of rainfall that it normally receives in one year in just one day. Residents received ample warning in time to prepare and “shelter […]

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A I Humanity SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Humans Unable to Detect Over a Quarter of Deepfake Speech Samples

Compliments Homeland Security News Wire New research has found that humans were only able to detect artificially generated speech 73% of the time, with the same accuracy in both English and Mandarin. New research has found that humans were only able to detect artificially generated speech 73% of the time, with the same accuracy in both […]

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Our Brains Are Hardwired to Believe Lies and Conspiracy Theories, Research Shows

Compliments Homeland Security News Wire A new book analyzes the speeches of dictators including Mussolini, Stalin, Putin and Hitler, as well as prominent hate groups and finds there is one thing they all have in common: they all use dehumanizing metaphors to instill and propagate hatred of others. With the rise of populist and far-right […]

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Holding Trump Accountable Will Not Threaten American Democracy: Research

A Glimmer of Hope for the Future: Compliments Homeland Security News Wire New data from the Polarization Research Lab found that 97 percent of Americans — from both parties — oppose political violence. The research has found that despite rhetoric from Trump and his allies, the public do not see the indictment of a former […]

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Trump Federal Indictments – The Search for Truth

Opinion Editorial by Lady Hamilton On August 1st, 2023, the Former 45th President of the United Stated of America, Donald J. Trump, was indicted on four federal charges: This indictment, led by the prosecuting Attorney Jack Smith, is the third indictment filed against Donald J. Trump, that could hold him accountable for the part he […]

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POLITICS, TECHNOLOGY & THE HUMANITIES SDG 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Summary of Public Hearing: USA vs MRT Motions for Acquittal or New Trial

Yesterday, Dr. Mark Ridley-Thomas and his legal team appeared before Judge Dale S. Fischer to argue motions calling for either acquittal or a new trial. The hearing convened at 10 a.m. and lasted approximately one hour and five minutes. The 7th Floor Court Room was filled to capacity, largely with MRT supporters. Friends, family and […]

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