September 8, 2024
GLOBAL SPEAK Humanity SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Scientist who worked at Wuhan lab says COVID was man-made virus

Compliments of The New York Post Scientist, Dr. Andrew Huff, who worked at a controversial research lab in China has claimed that COVID was a man-made virus that leaked from the facility, according to a report. In his new book, “The Truth About Wuhan, How I Uncovered The Biggest Lie In US History,” Dr. Huff […]

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GLOBAL SPEAK Humanity SDG 1: No Poverty

SDG1: No Poverty

Eradicating poverty is not a task of charity, it’s an act of justice and the key to unlocking an enormous human potential. Still, nearly half of the world’s population lives in poverty, and lack of food and clean water is killing thousands every single day of the year. Together, we can feed the hungry, wipe […]

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